Tour management

I love being on tour.

I’ve always loved how everybody becomes very familiar in a very short time. Once you get on the bus it’s almost like a switch turns on and everybody become focused on the job ahead. As a tour manager I take pride in overseeing every little detail and making sure both artists and crew are provided the necessary tools to be able to do their very best.
I’ve always perceived artists and crew as one big symbiosis. No one is more important than the other. I firmly believe that once this has been established in the touring party everybody works better, smarter and trust each other to do their best – and realize that we all depend on each other.

All artists are different and have different needs. You can’t just copy paste how you manage one artist to the next one.
Some need to have a schedule prepared down to the minute for every show and others need to have space to do their own thing – preferably without being asked a million questions. I respect the different needs and will always do my best to make sure everybody feel safe and I believe I manage the art of reading the room and the artists.

Noa Lachmi of Velvet Volume and me backstage
Photo: Line Svindt
Concentration before stage time